
Customer Name:
Secretary/Treasurer Rich Cortez

From: Richard Cortez Address: 2010 E. Algonquin Road| Suite 214 Schaumburg| IL 60173 November 17| 2021 Re: Illinois Freedom of Information Act Request Dear FOIA Officer Under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act| 5 ILCS 140| I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of public records that contain the following information: 1. Please provide the following salary schedules for the 21-22| 22-23| 23-24 school years. If salary schedules do not exist| please provide equivalent information such as hourly rate of pay and agreed upon salary increases for the 22-23 and 23-24 school years. a. Teachers
b. Teacher Assistants c. Sign Language Interpreters d. Occupational Therapists e. Physical Therapists
f. Psychologists g. Sociologists h. Athletic Trainers i. Certified Nurses j. Non-Certified Nurses 2. Please provide information related to other money the above categories of employees earn during the regular school year that are outside of the information provided for #1 above. 3. Please provide A copy of current contracts for each of categories of employees in #1 above. Please include any Letters of Agreement or Memorandums of Understanding that are currently in effect or will be in effect for future school years for each of the categories above. 4. Please provide all information related to the process surrounding teachers retiring. This includes items such as 1. Any changes to the way teachers are paid in the last 8 years leading up to the date of retirement. 2. Any provisions related to a required retirement date. 3. What is the maximum allowed credible earnings percentage increase allowed in the last 4 years leading up to retirement. 5. If the district offers an HSA Insurance plan: 1. The deductible for family and individual plans. 2. Amount of money the district contributes to the employee for their HSA accounts 3. Premium paid by the employee for the HSA Insurance plan. Both Family and Single
**To the extent that any of the above information is provided for in the same source please indicate this. I understand that the Act permits a public body to charge a reasonable copying fee not to exceed the actual cost of reproduction and not including the costs of any search or review of the records.
However| I request the information and records be provided in electronic format| where possible. I look forward to hearing from you in writing within five working days| as required by the Act 5 ILCS 140(3). Thank you for considering and responding to this request. Sincerely| Richard Cortez


Records responsive to requests 1 through 4 are already publicly available on the district’s website and may be accessed here: https://d86.hinsdale86.org/Page/892