
Customer Name:
Mr. Richard Morton

Part 1. Please produce in PDF form| any emails or other correspondence dated on or after June 1| 2021| through the date of this FOIA request| to or from or between any board member (Walker| Hirsman| James| Levinthal| Waters| Held| Hanson) or Superintendent Prentiss or Dr. Covino or Debra Kedrowski that reference any of the following topics: the Science curriculum| Program of Studies| Book of Studies| Grading Practices| Summative Formative grading ratios| any d86 staff communications to the community regarding Science curriculum or grading practice changes from either Dr. Covino or Superintendent Prentiss| or Superintendent Prentiss’ or Dr. Covino’s performance. Part 2. During the October 14| 2021 BOE meeting| the D86 science department chairs admitted that they have documents comparing D86’s former science courses (Physics| Honors Physics| Chemistry| Honors Chemistry| Biology| Honors Biology) with the new earth science combo courses. These documents apparently show what units of instruction have been removed| and what units| if any| have replaced them. There is apparently also a document comparing the units in ninth grade PITU with AP Physics 1. Please produce in PDF form the documents that the science department chairs admitted existed ON OCTOBER 14| 2021. (Note: This is not a request for the chart titled “Science Content in D86” that is dated 10/28/2021 and is included on Board Docs for the 10/28/21 BOE meeting). I assume the dates of these comparison documents would be sometime between January 2018 and before October 14| 2021| but if you contact the science department chairs| they should easily be able to give you the documents they were talking about so you can produce them to the D86 community.
