
Customer Name:
Mr. Richard Morton

Please produce in PDF form| any emails or other correspondence (including attachments) dated on or after September 21| 2021| through the date of this FOIA request| TO any board member individually (Walker| Hirsman| James| Levinthal| Waters| Held| Hanson) OR collectively TO the BOE group email address| OR FROM Superintendent Prentiss in response to the foregoing requested emails| that reference the Science curriculum. In so far as individuals have used different terminology to describe the science curriculum| I would appreciate if you could search for responsive documents that include any of the following terms: PITU| Physics First| Physics in the universe| Biology| science curriculum| science alignment.


Enclosed are the responsive records with the following information withheld or redacted:

Information specifically prohibited from disclosure by federal or State law or rules and regulations implementing federal or State law| including personnel evaluations and student records information pursuant to Sections 7(1)(a)| 7.5(r)| and 7.5(q) of FOIA| Section 11 of the Personnel Records Review Act| the Illinois School Student Records Act| and Section 5/24A-7.1 of the Illinois School Code. 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(a)| 7.5(q); 820 ILCS 40/11; 105 ILCS 10/1 et seq.; and 105 ILCS 5/24A-7.1;

Private information| including personal email addresses| home addresses| and personal phone numbers| pursuant to Section 7(1)(b) of FOIA;

Personal information that would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy| such as health and family information and the identities of private citizens who communicated personal opinions| pursuant to Section 7(1)(c) of FOIA. 5 ILCS 140/7 (1)(c); see Chicago Alliance for Neighborhood Safety v. City of Chicago| 348 Ill. App. 3d 188| 209| 211 (1st Dist. 2004) (“[T]he core purpose of the FOIA is to expose what the government is doing| not what its private citizens are up to.”);

Preliminary drafts| notes| recommendations| memoranda and other records in which opinions are expressed| or policies or actions are formulated| pursuant to Section 7(1)
(f) of FOIA; this includes “predecisional and deliberative material” which the Attorney General has repeatedly stated falls within the Section 7(1)(f) exemption. Harwood v. McDonough| 344 Ill. App. 3d 242| 247 (1st Dist. 2003); and

Communications between a public body and an attorney representing the public body that would not be subject to discovery in litigation| pursuant to Section 7(1)(m) of FOIA.