
Customer Name:
Mr. Richard Morton

Please produce in PDF form| any emails or other correspondence (including attachments) dated on or after October 1| 2021| through the date of this FOIA request| TO any board member individually (Walker| Hirsman| James| Levinthal| Waters| Held| Hanson) OR collectively TO the BOE group email address| OR FROM Superintendent Prentiss in response to the foregoing requested emails| that reference the grading practice changes and/or Summative Formative grading ratios. In so far as individuals have used different terminology to describe the grading changes and to make your search easier| I would appreciate if you could search for responsive documents that include any of the following terms: grading or grade practices| grading or grade changes| grade or grading alignment| summative and formative| summative and formative ratio(s).


Please note that the documents which are responsive to both your FOIA requests for grading information and science curriculum information are contained only within the documents responsive to the above request and are not duplicated within the documents responsive to your request for science curriculum information. Enclosed are the responsive records with the following information withheld or redacted:

Information specifically prohibited from disclosure by federal or State law or rules and regulations implementing federal or State law| including personnel evaluations and student records information pursuant to Sections 7(1)(a)| 7.5(r)| and 7.5(q) of FOIA| Section 11 of the Personnel Records Review Act| the Illinois School Student Records Act| and Section 5/24A-7.1 of the Illinois School Code. 5 ILCS 140/7 (1)(a)| 7.5(q); 820 ILCS 40/11; 105 ILCS 10/1 et seq.; and 105 ILCS 5/24A-7.1;

Private information| including personal email addresses| home addresses| and personal phone numbers| pursuant to Section 7(1)(b) of FOIA;

Personal information that would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy| such as health and family information and the identities of private citizens who communicated personal opinions| pursuant to Section 7(1)(c) of FOIA. 5 ILCS 140/7 (1)(c); see Chicago Alliance for Neighborhood Safety v. City of Chicago| 348 Ill. App. 3d 188| 209| 211 (1st Dist. 2004) (“[T]he core purpose of the FOIA is to expose what the government is doing| not what its private citizens are up to.”);

Preliminary drafts| notes| recommendations| memoranda and other records in which opinions are expressed| or policies or actions are formulated| pursuant to Section 7(1)
(f) of FOIA; this includes “predecisional and deliberative material” which the Attorney General has repeatedly stated falls within the Section 7(1)(f) exemption. Harwood v. McDonough| 344 Ill. App. 3d 242| 247 (1st Dist. 2003); and

Communications between a public body and an attorney representing the public body that would not be subject to discovery in litigation| pursuant to Section 7(1)(m) of FOIA.

Response Document Updates: FOIA_904_Response_-Class_2016-2021_Science_a. pdf was provided with response to FOIA 956 on November 29. It was removed from that response and attached to FOIA 957 on November 30. Response to FOIA 957 was appended to include NEW_FOIA_904_Response-_Class_2016-2021_Scien.xlsx on November 30.